Big Thanks to Amanda and Monica to which this site would not be possible without.

Missing Patient: Where is Anthony Andrzejewski ?

Missing Patient: Where is 
Anthony Andrzejewski ?

The News Journal: 12/6/1973

 The Morning News : August 17th 1973

The News Journal: August 17th 1973

The Morning News: August 24th 1973

The News Journal: August 24th 1973

Anthony Andrzejewski 

Missing Since: 

August 13, 1973

Missing From: 

New Castle, Delaware

Height & Weight: 

Around 5'11 & Around 165 lbs

Hair & Eyes:

Both Brown


White T-Shirt w/Blue Trim, Brown Pants, & White Tennis Shoes

Parents: Edward & Cecilia


Walked w/Slight Limp, Brain Damage; Epileptic; Suffers from Emotional Agitation; Intellectual Disability; Shy & Timid; Can Read but NOT Write.

Delaware State Police:




Doe Network:


Details of Disappearance

20 Year Old Anthony Andrzejewski disappeared from the Delaware State Hospital on August 13th, 1973. He had only been at the Hospital for 2 weeks at the time. Anthony disappeared between the time of Lunch and 4 pm Medications. He had no money or identification on him at the time. Subsequent searches of the facility and surrounding areas provided no clues as to Anthony's whereabouts. According to his parents, Anthony could live around a week without his medications. He was able to read a few words and he could not dress himself.

The Morning News: February 13th 1978


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